The philosophy of Facilitation with its different techniques is not yet well known in all countries.
Comparing with the common training and consulting approach there are neither knowledge or expertise transferred nor any recommendations or advices given.
Applying the different methods the knowledge and wisdom of a team or/and an organization emerges. Thus, solutions, change ideas, creative ideas, … come from within your team / organization and are not given from outside.
The diversity of a team / organization as well as the diversity of each individual are highly appreciated.
Further the solution oriented approach and a mutual appreciation, respect and compassion prepare the room to speak out all kind of views and concerns.
As a consequence, people feel more involved and appreciated. Their motivation increases and to a greater extend they take the initiative and step into their responsibilities.
Facilitation with its different techniques accompanies, fosters and initiates sustainable change processes within companies, teams and individuals.
The different techniques are e.g. Dynamic Facilitation, Appreciative Inquiry, The Circle Way, Open Space, World Café, …